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Auge, 17. January 2008 22:00
Albfels | Hexerpello | Malarkay | Tate | Tamorkan | |
Bflow | Huntressa | Mantiss | Roneth | Torak | |
Elizabetta | Hyph | Marorio | Sahrim | Varoshen | |
Gesa | Jaspis | Minibasti | Sarenity | Virgil | |
Göle | Kaira | Nightowl | Stifi | Xardia | |
... found 25 attendee(s) |
Buyer | Name | Itempool | Droprate | Value | ||
Sarenity | Schulterstücke des bezwungenen Verteidigers | default | 0 % | 280.00000 | ||
Tamorkan | Fel Reaver's Piston | default | 0 % | 30.00000 | ||
Tate | Nether Vortex | default | 1 % | 0.00000 | ||
Virgil | Schulterstücke des bezwungenen Champions | default | 0 % | 80.00000 | ||
... found 4 item(s) |
Class Distribution | Loot Distribution |
Class Distribution
Class | Percent | Attendees |
Mage | Albfels, Malarkay, Minibasti, Sahrim, Xardia | |
Rogue | Bflow | |
Druid | Elizabetta, Gesa, Jaspis, Tate, Torak | |
Warlock | Göle, Hexerpello, Mantiss | |
Hunter | Huntressa | |
Warrior | Hyph, Nightowl, Varoshen | |
Priest | Kaira, Sarenity, Tamorkan | |
Shaman | Marorio, Virgil | |
Paladin | Roneth, Stifi |